Posted in: Food, Life

How to make: Peanut Butter Deluxe S’mores

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is a super fast and easy method my amazing mother used to make deluxe s’mores in the oven while we were growing up. This recipe makes a dozen (12) s’mores and doesn’t require access to a fire.


  • 24 graham crackers(aka: graham wafers, any kind)
  • 12 large marshmallows (any kind)
  • ~192 chocolate chips (or whatever other chocolate you have)
  • Kraft Peanut Butter (or whatever you have)
  • Aluminum foil


  1. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Spread peanut butter on one side of each cracker.
  3. Flatten the marshmallows out and place them on half (12) of the crackers.
  4. Generously place chocolate chips on the remaining 12 crackers without marshmallows
  5. Heat under the broiler until the marshmallows and chocolate start to melt and glisten.
  6. Remove the pan from heat, work quickly to sandwich the s’mores together
  7. Place sandwiched s’mores in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes, depending on the temperature of your refrigerator.
  8. Remove s’mores from the fridge.
  9. Either serve s’mores on a plate, or eat directly.


  • Keep s’mores chilled until just prior to eating if possible
  • This is a great activity for parents with children, kids will literally eat these up!

My mom walks us through the process in this video here:

Let me know what you think of this method for making s’mores indoors!

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